The majority of the income received by the Dublin-based Airbnb Ireland UC came from enabling guests to stay at properties that hosts listed on the website for travellers from outside the US.

Despite a $1.37 billion increase in revenues to $4.19 billion, pre-tax earnings for Airbnb Ireland UC dropped by 19% to $98.44 million (€90 million) from $121.49 million, according to the company's updated reports.

The company deducted a $15.6 million corporation tax charge from its $82.83 million in post-tax profits.

The directors claim that the increase in earnings proved there was still a high demand for travel.

“We saw significant growth with nights books exceeding pre-Covid-19 levels,” the statement reads.

In 2022, the Dublin-based company generated half of Airbnb's $8.4 billion in global sales.

The Irish company's earnings decreased as its cost of sales went from $2.1 billion to $3.26 billion, a 55% rise, and its administrative costs went from $588.58 million to $843.72 million, a 43% increase.

When Airbnb relocated its European headquarters to Dublin in 2013, the number of people working for the Irish company climbed from 361 to 380.

A post-balance sheet event item in the accounts states that the business subleased a part of its Dublin office space in March 2023.

This happened when the business implemented a Live and Work Anywhere policy in 2022, allowing most workers to work remotely, according to the memo.

The company's personnel expenses rose from $53.35 million to $56.48 million in the previous year. The average salary for the 380 employees at the firm is $135,473, with labour expenditures of $35.5 million and share-based compensation of $15.98 million totalling $51.48 million.

Since its founding in 2007 by two “hosts” who opened their San Francisco home to three visitors, Airbnb has expanded to over four million hosts and welcomed over 1.5 billion guests from every nation on earth.

Airbnb stated earlier this year that in Ireland, purchases made through its platform will account for 10.5% of all expenditures related to foreign travel in 2022.