“Portugal was one of the Member States of the European Union
that contested the proposal for an Irish regulation, considering that the
project provides for the introduction of restrictions on the placing, on the
Irish market, of alcoholic beverages from other Member States, through the
imposition of new labelling requirements for these products,” said the Ministry
of Economy and the Sea, in response to Lusa.
As the Government underlined, these new requirements “do not
comply” with the European regulation, which defines that there needs to be harmonised
rules for the labelling of food products.
Thus, “it constitutes a barrier to the free movement of
products in the European internal market”.
“Harmful to health”
At issue is Ireland's decision to include a label on all
bottles of alcoholic beverages that warns that its consumption is “harmful to
This regulation will affect the Portuguese alcoholic
beverages sector by "introducing additional and specific obligations for
access to the market in this country", stressed the ministry supervised by
António Costa Silva.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food told Lusa that it had
issued a sectoral unfavourable opinion of this intention by Ireland, which
contributed to Portugal's final position on this matter.
According to the executive's data, in 2021, Portuguese wine
exports to Ireland stood at 6.3 million euros, an increase of 39.5% compared to
the previous year.
Ireland is the 23rd customer of Portuguese wines globally
and the 12th at a community level.
On January 12, the Italian Vice President and Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, announced that his Government will ask the
European Commission to intervene to halt this decision.
In a publication on Twitter, Tajani considered this an
“absurd” decision, which ignores the “difference between moderate consumption
and excess alcohol”.