A move towards species which will weather the storm of climate change are likely to come into focus in the New Year, while emerging AI advances are likely to gain pace, experts predict.

Here are some of the 2025 trends, tipped by horticulturists and garden centres.

Climate change response

“Consumers are very aware of the changing climate and will garden accordingly and this will bring the inevitable demand for more exotic plant varieties, and the crossover between outdoor plants and indoor plants,” says Palphramand.

“These include canna lilies and more exotic other lilies such as callas and Oriental lilies, large-leaved exotics such as rheum, fatsia, palms and tree ferns.”

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AI gardening

Award-winning designer Tom Massey, who will be creating the Avanade ‘Intelligent’ Garden, highlighting AI capabilities, at next year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show, says that AI is going to become increasingly part of our gardening make-up.

This may include optimising watering systems through sensors to tell you how moist your soil is, using devices to detect air quality, soil pH and weather conditions and using apps to increase your plant and gardening knowledge.

“Upskilling people, giving them more advice, more insights, more data about their gardens, can allow them to be more sustainable, to garden and grow in a way that will be better for the planet and help us combat the effects of climate change,” he says. “The technology exists for it all to be wireless.”

Robotic mowers and high-tech power tools are also likely to give us more time to enjoy the garden, he predicts.

“We’ve embraced technology throughout our history to speed up the process, to make us more efficient, to save us time to spend with family and socialise with friends, so hopefully AI and technology in gardening will just allow more time for the more enjoyable aspects of gardening.”


The trend towards natural and sustainable gardening practices will continue into 2025, predicts Amy Stubbs, development and project manager for British Garden Centres.

“People are increasingly opting for eco-friendly methods like rainwater harvesting and mulching. By reducing reliance on chemical pesticides and using organic garden care products, gardeners can reduce their footprint for both them and wildlife in the garden.

“Consumers will actively seek eco-friendly options for their gardening needs, leading many to choose recycled products like pots, garden decor or soft furnishings made from 100% recycled material.

“Additionally, there will be a growing focus on using long-lasting or recyclable garden materials, such as metal or wooden garden furniture, and investing in high-quality tools that can be passed down through generations.”

Continuing anti-plastic measures

“We’ll see more people reusing plastic pots and buying more eco-friendly alternatives,” predicts Taylor.

“There’s a lot of frustration around the fact recycling plant pots (black ones in particular) is difficult. Eventually they disintegrate, and either contaminate the soil or get put into landfill. I see a move to raising more seedlings in pots made from newspaper, rubber, wool and cardboard.”

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Grow your own

Vegetable and herb plants that fall outside the normal range will experience growing demand, as customers seek to try something a little more unusual or exotic in their GYO areas, Palphramand predicts.

The climate conscious will veer towards mixed plantings of edibles, as growers hedge their beds to find something that suits their soil and can cope with the elements, adds Catrina Fenton, head of Garden Organic’s Heritage Seed Library.

“To buffer climate change and our wetter, warmer climate we’ll be hedging our bets as growers by choosing different crop types, such as drought-resilient chard or frost tolerant mustard leaves. But we’ll also be interplanting different varieties of the same crops to ensure if one fails another will take its place,” she predicts.

We’ll be rethinking the plants we grow over winter, as traditional veg like purple sprouting broccoli and cauliflower are not getting the period of chilling they need, due to climate change, says Rosenfeld.

“Rather than grow plants that occupy a lot of space for an unpromised return, gardeners will need to look at plants that have a more dependable offering.”

Heritage veg are likely to gain popularity, predict garden designers Kate Cotterill and Lucy Hutchings, founders of heirloom seed company She Grows Veg.

“Biodiversity is a growing trend in horticulture and heirloom seeds nurture biodiversity by preserving genetic variety and creating vibrant ecosystems that support pollinators and wildlife. Growing them ensures resilience in our gardens and sustains a rich heritage for future generations.” they say.


“Bold, sculptural plants like monstera and philodendron are back in vogue,” says Andy Little, houseplant buyer for British Garden Centres. “Their striking leaves make them the perfect statement piece for any indoor space, with their health benefits and easy care making them popular with younger gardeners.”

“Flowering houseplants are set to be popular next year, particularly in the earlier months, as people look to brighten up duller days and fill empty spaces after the Christmas decorations come down,” adds Claire Bishop, senior houseplant buyer at Dobbies Garden Centres.

“Spathiphyllum, or peace lilies, are great for beginner plant parents as they’re low maintenance and easy to care for.”