Gary McKeown of the SDLP made a motion for the discount at the city's 17 recreational facilities, and the full Belfast Council accepted it during its January meeting. In the past, single-parent households were assessed the same fees as two-parent households.

A decision taken by the council's persons and communities committee behind closed doors was approved by the entire council.

The updated prices have not been disclosed. According to the minutes, instead of the 10.4% rise that was suggested, a 5% increase would be applied to the cost of family membership for 2025–2026.

Although Belfast Council owns and manages the recreational facilities, GLL, a "social enterprise," operates them under the "Better" brand. GLL is a charitable social enterprise that reinvests all of its income back into the centres where it operates, according to the council.

It oversees more than 150 leisure centres and is the biggest operator of public leisure centres in the United Kingdom.

"I was shocked to learn that only families with two parents or guardians are eligible to apply for discounted family membership," Mr. McKeown stated following the full council meeting. "Single parent families are not eligible for any discount and must pay the same fee as families with two parents." This is incorrect because subsidised admission ought to be available to all households.