Dr. Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, the Palestinian Ambassador to Ireland, was by ATU's Sligo campus today to talk about potential research collaborations and online and flexible learning options.

ATU plans to look into ways to work with Palestinian universities to offer specific courses that are suited to the West Bank's and Gaza's current requirements.

Project management, water treatment, environmental management, engineering and construction, and other topics are among the suggested areas of emphasis.

"We have been talking about this with our Palestinian universities for the past few months, and they are really welcoming," Dr. Abdalmajid stated.

"We're specifically discussing online education, where Atlantic Technological University has already provided a solid illustration of a functional, dynamic, and prosperous platform.

"We want to provide this to our Gazan students so they can continue their education through online platforms without having to leave Gaza.

"The entire population of Gaza, including the children, adults, and youth, went through an extremely trying ordeal.

"The focus on education and the ways of bringing them back to schools or in groups, as if they are in class, would give them hope."

Dr. Orla Flynn, president of ATU, greeted Dr. Abdalmajid's visit and said it was a chance to discuss how ATU might support third-level education in Palestine.

According to Dr. Flynn, the effort is in its exploratory phase and focusses on how ATU may work with Gazan universities to help instructors and students continue their education in the face of extremely difficult circumstances.

"With our experience in delivering remote learning globally, we are examining how we might contribute to helping Palestinian students and educators access education and resources in ways that suit their unique needs."

In her speech to students and faculty today, Dr. Abdalmajid emphasised building relationships to give students the chance to overcome obstacles in their education in a conflict-affected area.

ATU and the Palestinian Ambassador met to discuss how the university's experience may support Palestinian universities' goals, especially in promoting education that aids in the rehabilitation of infrastructure and society.