It occurs at a time when shops anticipate the customary spike in sales for January. The Ibec organisation that represents the retail industry, Retail Ireland, anticipates that average consumer expenditure will continue to rise until 2025.

Many retail establishments, however, will only be open for a restricted number of hours today, and others won't resume regular business until tomorrow.

Tesco and SuperValu, two supermarket giants, are returning today, though their individual operating hours will differ.

The Lidl, Dunnes, and Aldi stores are closed today but will reopen tomorrow. DART and other Iarnród Éireann services will not be operating on St.

Stephen's Day is for those who do plan to go out. Luas services are scheduled to resume at 9:00 a.m. Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann will run on a Sunday schedule; travellers are encouraged to review their schedules before departing.