When Ireland first implemented the Working Time Directive, it did not include the Defence Forces. However, subsequent EU case law has established that exclusions from the directive can only be applied to particular activities and not to an entire sector.

Some military activities will be exempt from the Working Time Directive's rules due to their unique nature, but other safety and health precautions, such as break periods, have been put in place for individuals who perform such duties.

"The implementation of the Working Time Directive has long been identified as an important retention measure for serving members and it is a significant further step in the transformation of the Defence Forces in line with my commitment to cultural change," Micheál Martin, the Tánaiste and Defence Minister Peter Burke, Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment, signed the regulations implementing the order.

"My Department has worked closely with the Department of Defence in recent weeks and months to progress these measures, ensuring we are supporting members of our Defence Forces while at work, and I am glad to have now signed these important regulations," said Burke.